Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Technical difficulties resolved

My video is up on Vimeo. Compression changed the quality of the movement, unfortunately.

I enjoyed Michel de Certeau's "Walking in the City," and this piece is a response to it. Particularly I was interested in the subversion and jerry-rigging of systems that people engage as they try to get what they need to live and move within institutional concepts and spaces. The suggestion is that the seen and unseen effects that our corporeal and subtle-body movements and energies leave upon a space can map the use of spaces and time, whether through presence or absence of what has passed by. This started me thinking about light and how its movement might be used to map the movements of an unseen body. I'm also interested in vernacular expressions -- such as social dance and music-video conventions -- and am wanting to exploit the characteristics of these vernaculars much better than I have done here.

Plus, Michel de Certeau is somehow funny, and glowsticks are funny, and this song is called "Amziguous."

1 comment:

  1. Use Quicktime pro to convert video to .mp4 format.
    Then upload.

